Your Mobile DukeCard gives you an all-access pass to the ultimate campus experience. Whether you are faculty, staff, or student, we're dedicated to helping you make the connections you need to succeed. Mobile DukeCard makes it easier and move convenient for you to make payments around campus and to access university administrative buildings, academic buildings, and residence halls.
All mobile devices use the Transact eAccounts Mobile App available at the Apple App Store or on Google Play. Download eAccounts onto your own personal device to get started.
Chosen/Preferred First Name on Mobile DukeCard
Did you know you can now add a chosen/preferred first name to your Mobile DukeCard?
Mobile DukeCard Tasks
- Install Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
- Upload your DukeCard Photo as soon as possible
- Install the Transact eAccounts Mobile App available at the Apple App Store or on Google Play.
- Set your DukeCard PIN